Hi Guys!!!
A few years ago, it was a huge task getting makeup in Nigeria.. If you dont ask your aunty or friend coming back from America to help you get something from MAC or ULTA you will be on amazon or even ebay trying to see if you can get something shipped to the country for you. My fellow makeup enthiusaists know what im talking about.
Fastforward a few years now and there is so much makeup for us to consume!! From both indigenious and foreign brands ,its so exciting for me and i am loving this new wave. Presently, we hava a few indigenous makeup companies that are doing great and feeding we makeup lovers with a healthy dose of all things beauty. There are also a few foreign companies that have seen potential for great business here and have come to pitch their tents.
Being the tidyness captain that i am, I recently tried to compile a list of the makeup brands we have in Nigeria both home grown and foreign and this inspired me to do a blog post. I must confess i have not tried all these brands out even though i have heard about them and seen their products. I will not be talking about the quality of the products that i have not tried.
Im also going to split this post in two sets. First set will be makeup brands from Nigeria to the world (Indigenous) and the second will be from the world to Nigeria(Foreign).
So here goes...
In no particular order,

House of TARA also known as HOT.. (I like) was founded by Tara Durotoye in 1998.I want to believe HOT is the first indigenous makeup brand in Nigeria.Correct me if i a wrong. This brand has been around for the longest time and has continued to top the list. They have a wide variety of makeup products (start to finish) and recently rebranded and relaunched. I love their products even though it took me a while to actually purchase anything from them but now i am loving them so much. i particularly love the eyeshadows and the lipstains... H.O.T is truly HOT!!!!!!
Website: www.houseoftara.com

Zaron Cosmetics is a Nigerian Makeup brand that was established in 2011. In 3 years, they have come to be one of the leading providers of makeup in Nigeria. They provide foundation, powders,eyepencils, blushes, eyeshadow palettes, lip pencils and the rest. They also deal in hair extensions but i have never tried it before .Their products are very affordable and of great quality. I purchased some Zaron products on Dealdey for a great discount and i was really impressed with the pigmentation of the lipsticks and lip pencils. They are fantastic and very pigmented. I also love how their lipglosses are long lasting and their EYESHADOWS too. BOMB!!!
Website: www.zaron.com.ng

BMPRO is a professional makeup brand designed by Banke Meshida Lawal. BM pro offers a wide variety of products to suit all skin types. This line has been around for a while now and i personally have not used any of the products but i have heard how great they are. Cant wait to try them out soon.
Website: www.bankemeshidalawal.com
Kayge Cosmetics is another home grown and very successful indigenious makeup line that was established in 2013. They boast of a line flled with beautiful lip products in different finishes creating one pretty pout at a time. I am a lip product lover and this line is soooo ME. They offer lipsticks, lip pencils, lip stains and glosses. Can we say lip service agent? I have tried all the categories of products and i really like them all. You will probably find their melon and flirt lipglosses in my bag as i type. The products are also very available .With Kayge your lips are covered.
Website: www.kaygecosmetics.com
This makeup line is owned by Enitan Balogun. I remember when i used to see the ads of this makeup line in magazines. I was especially fascinated by the lipglosses. This was many years ago. I would take my mums magazines and stare and stare and wonder if this really was a Nigerian brand. I always drive past their store on Awolowo road but i have never gone in to look around. I know i know very bad of me. I have seen this brand at a few makeup fairs too. They recently had a makeup review party about a month ago from what i saw online so they are very much here to stay. I haven't read any reviews of thier products so i dont know what they are like but i will definitely be trying something out soon.
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/lisebeautyrange
Now this brand i have a soft spot for because they have satisfied a ton of my makeup cravings over the past one/two years. I really like the ladies behind this brand and i was very excited for them when i heard they would be coming out with their own lip line after stocking other brands for a while. The lipsticks are so beautiful and apply very well. I cant wait for more from them.
Website: www.mymakeupng.com
I remember attending the launch of this line in 2012(I think) at Oriental hotel.. This line offers foundation, lipsticks, lip pencils, lip liners, eyeshadow trios amongst others. They dont do a lot of press and promotion as i would have expected but i know they do stock their products on Jumia. I havent tried anything out yet but i have seen some reviews of their products and they seem great.
Website: www.pibonacosmetics.com
These are the Indigenous makeup brands presently known to me. I will do a seperate post on The Foreign brands in Nigeria next. I hope i covered everyone and if i didnt kindly let me know guys so i can include it.
Thanks for Stopping by!!
Wow did not know they were this many. I love that Nigerians too are being creative and industrious.
Do any of this brands deliver internationally?